
Software Testing


Cost Deduction Strategies

Software testing is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, ensuring quality and reliability of the final product. However, testing activities can sometimes be perceived as time-consuming and costly. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to make cost deductions when conducting software testing. By implementing these strategies, organizations can optimize their testing processes while maintaining high-quality standards.
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Big Data Security

Enhancing Big Data Security: Best Practices for Protecting Valuable Data Improving big data security is crucial as organizations increasingly rely on the collection, storage, and analysis of large volumes of data. Protecting this data from unauthorized access, breaches, and misuse is essential to maintain trust, comply with regulations, and safeguard sensitive information. Common vulnerabilities that organizations should be aware of
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CI/CD Process

CI/CD Process: How To Improve Software Quality And Reduce Risk Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that aims to improve software quality and reduce risk by automating the process of integrating code changes into a shared repository. It involves frequently merging code changes from multiple developers into a central codebase, followed by automated builds and tests to detect
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Data Migration QA

Data migration testing is a crucial step in ensuring the successful transfer of data from one system to another. It involves verifying the integrity, accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data during the migration process. To perform effective data migration testing, it is important to follow best practices and utilize appropriate tools. Here's a guide on how to do data migration
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Testing & Inflation

Inflation period refers to a time of rapidly rising prices for goods and services, decreasing purchasing power of currency, and generally falling value of currency and during an inflation period, software testing continues to provide numerous benefits that contribute to the overall quality and success of software products. Here are some key software testing benefits in an inflation period: Cost
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Secure NFC APPs

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, with a wide range of applications in various industries. From contactless payments to access control systems, NFC technology offers convenience and efficiency to users. However, as with all new technologies, security risks are a concern. NFC Solutions In this article, we'll explore some tips on how to improve
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CI-CD QA Improvement

How to improve the quality of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI-CD) by defining tools, Implementations, and testing processes.   What is CI-CD? CI-CD is an acronym for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (or Continuous Delivery). It is a software development methodology that emphasizes frequent and automated code integration, testing, and deployment. The goal of CI/CD is to deliver software
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Digital Banking

How to improve the quality of digital banking?   Digital transformation revolution has greatly impacted the banking industry, with the rise of digital banking solutions and services. As a result, banks are constantly seeking ways to enhance the quality of their digital banking solutions to meet the demands of their customers. One effective way to improve the quality of digital
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Ecommerce Improvement

Ecommerce, also known as online shopping, is the process of buying and selling goods and services over the internet, using modern technology to facilitate and speed up business transactions between sellers and buyers. E-commerce is considered a modern form of commerce that has grown significantly in recent years.   E-commerce has many advantages, including: Convenience and ease of use: Buyers can
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GIS QA Improvement

GIS Quality Improvement  In this article, we will discuss the following Examples of GIS software that require testing GIS common testing methods GIS common security vulnerabilities issues How can GIS testing help improve the accuracy of data? How to perform GIS testing? Before we begin, let's gather more information about GIS testing: GIS (Geographic Information System) testing is the process of
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